Welcome to ClHosts KindergartenOur kindergarten is a happy and healthy place. Your children will be happy and their happiness is our ultimate goal. You as parents will be happy and satisfied. The health and safety of your children is our most important responsibility.
Our Environment
In this kindergarten, we have tried to provide a happy and healthy environment for your children. The growth and development of your kids in this place is possible with the expertise of our teachers.
Location: 1243 Cloud Hosts St., San Antonio, CA 92421
Telephone: (435) 123-3566
School Hours: M-F: 9am – 2pm
Learn By Doing
Our programs for infants include education and entertainment.
In the educational part, we use the learning method while doing it. In this way, children get acquainted with how to do things and based on educational programs appropriate to their age group.
In the entertainment section, children are engaged in educational and physical activities, which make children happy and happy in life, as well as interacting with their friends in sharing their resources and joys. This in turn is part of the educational-recreational program for children at this age.
Our Mission & Vision
In order to develop the minds of the newborns and the physical upbringing of children in our kindergarten, various programs have been prepared. Also, Mission and visions for the further development of your children has been prepared and will be implemented over time.
A Word
From Our Principal
“In this child rearing center, our work rules are based on the mental and physical development of your children. In such a way that the child’s mind develops by performing a series of thought-practical programs and at the same time regular mental categories are created in the child’s brain. All mechanisms are tailored to the age of the children as well as in accordance with the children’s psychology and behavior studding. “
– Debora Foster

Our Upcoming Curricular Events & Activities
Teachers and Parents Meeting
Comprehensive educational programs and preparatory courses for newborns with their parents.
Event Info
In this meeting, comprehensive educational programs and preparatory courses for newborns with their parents, as well as questions and answers from our kindergarten educational and research educators will be implemented and discussed.
Parent Teach Conferences
Conference to introduce parents to how to treat children in interaction with their new friends.
Event Info
Parent Education Conference
This conference is aimed at acquainting parents with how to treat children and interacting with their friends who have met in kindergarten. Parents should manage their children’s communication properly and avoid unnecessary interventions.
Managing children’s leisure
Managing children’s leisure time and how to entertain them at home
Event Info
Managing children’s leisure time is one of the concerns of parents that is how to entertain children at home. How to manage children’s leisure time requires analysis and appropriate training for parents and the child’s psychological knowledge would be possible.
Staff Appreciation Week
The role of educators in shaping and organizing children’s psyche after entering social activities.
Event Info
Kindergarten teachers play a constructive role in shaping children’s social personality. How to interact with children in such a way that entering the community of their friends and being away from their parents for the first time does not have a destructive and deterrent effect on them.
Intelligence Testing Begins
Performing intelligence tests to identify mental ability and children’s talent diagnostic.
Event Info
It is necessary to check the IQ of children by performing intelligence tests to identify their mental ability. Intelligence tests determine the mental, psychological and intellectual abilities of children.
Pottery Workshop
Pottery is one of the activities that fosters the mind, creativity and body of children.
Event Info
Doing constructive activities is very necessary and vital for shaping the minds and developing the talents of children. Pottery is one of the activities that engages both the mind and creativity and the body and executive power of children then confronts them with practical abilities and challenges.
Our kindergarten
Facilities and Organizations
Our kindergarten facilities include play equipment and fun entertainment to nurture the body and mind of children. Also conducting workshops to develop children’s mental creativity. Regular and periodic planning includes holding courses to find talent and develop children’s abilities and creativity.
Our Organization
The administrative structure of our kindergarten includes the management department, the staff department, the coaching department, the finance and accounting department, and the education and research department.
Educational & Entertainment Places
Educational sections include classes for holding educational programs for children, painting workshops and sculpture, meeting halls for celebrations and special occasions for national ceremonies, as well as a gym.
Educational Standards
Our kindergarten operates in accordance with the latest standards in the field of education and research for infants and toddlers, all educational programs are compiled and continuously reviewed in accordance with the regulations and instructions of the Welfare Organization and other relevant institutes.
Extracurricular Activities
In this kindergarten, a series of special programs have been considered for more happiness and encouragement for your children. For example, taking children to day camps, visiting amusement parks and water parks, visiting zoos, visiting museums suitable for children, and using recreational and sports complexes.
Technology In the Classroom
Using modern technologies such as video projectors, OPAC devices, audio-visual teaching aids to teach children better and more accurately, including educational and research videos, and the use of animated graphic images to better understand children’s content and depth of their thought.
Our News & Announcements
The latest news, events and announcements are placed in the articles section of our site.
آغاز مهر و مدرسه
مهر چون آید و پاییز پدیدار شود گرمی علم به سردی خزان چیره شود با درود و تهنیت به همه ی دانش آموزان عزیز و خانواده های گرامی؛ اینجانب حمیری معلم پایه چهارم دبستان... مهری دیگر آغاز می شود و گرمی فراگیریِ علم و دانش بر سردیِ روزهای پاییزی، دگر بار چیره خواهد شد....
Hello world!
به Cl-Hosts Sites خوش آمدید. این نخستین نوشتهی شماست. میتوانید ویرایش یا پاکش کنید و پس از آن نوشتن را آغاز کنید!
Extracurricular programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 1243 Diva St., San Antonio, CA 92421
Telephone: (435) 123-3566
Operating Hours: M-F: 9am – 2pm
Educational Equality Policy
In order to implement the policy of equality of education and avoid any discrimination or special enjoyment of some people with a high standard of living, this kindergarten follows the policy of non-discrimination in education and use of facilities in a balanced and equal manner for all children from all social levels. Our policy in this area is clear, transparent and unchangeable to prevent and abuse the beneficiaries, formulate and guarantee a strong and reliable implementation. Satisfaction of all families and full compliance with the lines specified in the laws are an integral part of our kindergarten work policy.